Movie Details
In Theaters: August 13, 2010
On Video: N/A
Director(s): Edgar Wright
Production Co.: Marc Platt Productions, Big Talk Productions
Distributor(s): Universal Pictures
MPAA Rating: PG-13
Website(s): Official Site
Our Review: N/A
Running Time: 112 minutes
Credits Running Time: 3 minutes
During the Credits
There are no extra scenes during the credits, but the words “The End” appear at the end of the very end of the credits, which Scott Pilgrim (in 16-bit form) is shown punching. After Scott destroys the words “The End”, he teleports away.
After the Credits
There are no extras after the credits of Scott Pilgrim vs. the World.
Special thanks to Tim Gardner for the stinger submission and Sinistrahd for the correction!
Song During the Credits
Stinger information added and verified by Matt Spencer