Movie Details
In Theaters: November 17, 2023
On Video: N/A
Director(s): Walt Dohrn
Production Co.: DreamWorks Animation
Distributor(s): Universal Pictures
MPAA Rating: N/A
Website(s): Official Site
Our Review: N/A
Running Time: 92 minutes
Credits Running Time: 10 minutes
During the Credits
There are multiple extra scenes shown during the credits of Trolls Band Together.
The start of the credits feature a musical performance by BroZone as well as Branch and his other bandmates. At the end of the song, Branch approaches Poppy, goes down on one knee, and asks “Will you?” Poppy excitedly finishes “Join the band?! Of course I will!” Poppy then grabs Viva and they both get onstage to perform a song with BroZone.
Later, Tiny Diamond is sitting on a couch talking about his recent adventures and personal development. He asks how much the session costs and whether it’s covered by insurance. We see Mr. Dinkles reply in a deep voice “No, I’m out of network.”
After the Credits
There is extra audio after the credits of Trolls Band Together.
There is a quick clip of Viva saying, “Oh wow, it’s like sunshine in my earholes.”
Special thanks to Burger and RibDawg for the stinger submissions!
Stinger information added and verified by Paul Curtin