
No Joker in Batman 3

Christopher Nolan Addresses the Rumors

June 4, 2010 by

For the past two years, there have been rumors as to whether the role of the Joker would be re-cast so the character could return in Batman 3 after Heath Ledger’s untimely death and Oscar winning performance in The Dark Knight. Many believed that Johnny Depp would be a good choice as a potential re-cast while others argued that it would be in bad taste to have the Joker return so soon after Ledgers epic portrayal of Batman’s nemesis.

Those rumors can now be put to rest as Christopher Nolan has broken his silence on the subject when asked if we’ll see the Joker again:

โ€œNoโ€, says Nolan emphatically and unhesitatingly. He resists elaborating simply because, quite understandably, he says, โ€œI just donโ€™t feel comfortable talking about itโ€.

So there you have, no Joker in Batman 3. Now the real question is what villain(s) will we see in the upcoming sequel to The Dark Knight?