
Anonymous (2011): Scene During the CreditsScene During the Credits

Movie Details

In Theaters: October 28, 2011
On Video: February 7, 2012
Director(s): Roland Emmerich
Genre(s): Drama
Production Co.: Centropolis Entertainment, Relativity Media
Distributor(s): Columbia Pictures
MPAA Rating: PG-13
Website(s): Official Site, Facebook
Our Review: N/A
Running Time: 130 minutes
Credits Running Time: 6 minutes

During the Credits

The credits for Anonymous begin during the last scene of the film as the audience in the theater applauds the prologue speaker. It then shows the audience slowly leaving the theater for the next couple of minutes. The rest of the credits continues on a blank screen.

After the Credits

There is no stinger after the credits of Anonymous.

Song During the Credits

“Night of the Long Knives” by David Hirschfelder

Stinger information added and verified by and
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