
The Secret World CGI Trailer

Beta and Release Dates Also Announced

August 16, 2011 by

Ever since getting hooked on Funcom’s Anarchy Online MMORPG back in 2001 and more recently Blizzard’s World of Warcraft, I’ve been waiting for another new MMO to come along that justifies spending money each month to play and is worthy of wasting hours on a daily basis building up a character in a virtual world. Thankfully, I won’t have to wait much longer with Funcom just announcing that their unique sci-fi/fanatsy MMO The Secret World will be starting its beta in ten days on August 26, 2011 with the full version of the game set for release in April 2012. Here’s a description of the game and some quotes from Funcom’s press release today:

Imagine a world where secret societies pull the strings of kings and presidents, where vampires are more than just a Hollywood fantasy, and where all the myths, legends and conspiracies are true. The Secret World is an MMO that breaks free from the confinements of character classes and levels and allows players to explore real-world locations with an engrossing storyline. Funcom will not only challenge but redefine long-established MMO standards.

“It has never been more rewarding working on ‘The Secret World’ than it is now,” says Senior Producer and Creative Director Ragnar Tørnquist. “The progress we are making in development allows the whole team to really enjoy just playing the game for hours on end. We are all looking forward to bringing in players through upcoming betas, and their feedback will be crucial to the further development of the game as we progress toward the April, 2012 launch.”

There’s also a new CGI trailer to go along with the latest release date announcement that has a Left 4 Dead feel, but honestly Funcom, just shut up and take my money already.