
The Good Dinosaur (2015)Extra Imagery Shown During the Credits

Movie Details

In Theaters: November 25, 2015
On Video: February 23, 2016
Director(s): Peter Sohn
Genre(s): Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Family,ย Drama
Production Co.: Pixar
Distributor(s): Walt Disney
MPAA Rating: N/A
Website(s): Official Site
Our Review: N/A
Running Time: N/A
Credits Running Time: 8 minutes

During the Credits

The first 2 minutes of the credits of The Good Dinosaur feature scenic shots of nature and landscape imagery. The rest of the credits scroll over a background of snow falling in the air.

After the Credits

Other than a thank you message from the production team, there are no stingers after the credits of The Good Dinosaur.

Songs During the Credits

Excerpts from OST by Mychael Danna and Jeff Danna

Special thanks to Matthew Lowery, Mike S, AHelpfulGuy, and websponger for the stinger submission!

Stinger information added and verified by and
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