
Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008)Extra Logo After the Credits

Movie Details

In Theaters: August 15, 2008
On Video: November 11, 2008
Director(s): Dave Filoni
Genre(s): Action, Animation, Sci-Fi
Production Co.: Lucasfilm Animation
Distributor(s): Warner Bros.
MPAA Rating: PG
Website(s): Official Site
Our Review: 2 out of 5
Running Time: 98 minutes
Credits Running Time: N/A

During the Credits

There are no extras during the credits of Star Wars: The Cole Wars.

After the Credits

There is an extra 2 second clip of Jawas playing with a Lucas logo after the credits of Star Wars: The Clone Wars.

Special thanks to Jedi AtGUA for the stinger submission!

Stinger information added and verified by
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