Movie Details
In Theaters: August 12, 1994
On Video: July 29, 1997
Director(s): Daniel Petrie Jr.
Production Co.: Hollywood Pictures
Distributor(s): Buena Vista Pictures
MPAA Rating: PG
Website(s): Official Site
Our Review: N/A
Running Time: 91 minutes
Credits Running Time: 3 minutes
During the Credits
The credits of In the Army Now begin rolling over the final shot, showing people milling around in front of the store. Two young people who look like Bones and Jack did in the beginning of the movie appear. One is trying to convince his friend to join the Reserves. They later walk out, happy with their MOS choice of Water Purification Specialist. The scene then fades out.
After the Credits
There are no extras after the credits of In the Army Now.
Stinger information added and verified by egloskerry