
Cowboys & Aliens (2011)No Extras During or After the Credits

Movie Details

In Theaters: July 29, 2011
On Video: December 6, 2011
Director(s): Jon Favreau
Production Co.: DreamWorks SKG, Imagine Entertainment, K/O Paper Products
Distributor(s): Universal Pictures
MPAA Rating: PG-13
Running Time: 118 minutes
Credits Running Time: 5 minutes

During the Credits

There are no extras during the credits of Cowboys & Aliens.

After the Credits

There are no extras after the credits of Cowboys & Aliens besides a 1950’s promotion image saying to visit Universal Studios when visiting Hollywood.

Special thanks to Bob drisdale and Dylan for the stinger submissions!

Stinger information added and verified by
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User voting closed due to no extras during or after the credits.