
American Reunion (2012)Extra Scene During the Credits

Movie Details

In Theaters: April 6, 2012
On Video: July 10, 2012
Genre(s): Comedy
Production Co.: Universal Pictures
Distributor(s): Universal Pictures
MPAA Rating: R
Our Review: 3 out of 5
Running Time: 113 minutes
Credits Running Time: 8 minutes

During the Credits

There is an extra scene just as the credits start and then photos from previous movies throughout the credits. Check out more details regarding the extra scene below.

The extra scene features Stifler’s mom and Jim’s dad on a movie date. While sharing popcorn, Jim’s dad mimics a younger couple in a row ahead and gradually but hesitantly puts his arm around Stifler’s mom, who responds positively by giving him a blow job with the bucket of popcorn sitting on top of her head the entire time. After Jim’s dad climaxes loudly, he tells the other people in the theater who are now staring at him, “Great movie!”

After the Credits

There is no stinger after the credits of American Reunion.

Special thanks to Momfia for the stinger submission!

Stinger information added and verified by and
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