
The Three Stooges Trailer

The Next Movie to Get a 1% on Rotten Tomatoes

December 8, 2011 by

At one point in time Sean Penn, Jim Carrey, and Benicio Del Toro were all signed on to star in the Farrelly Brothers’ upcoming The Three Stooges remake. After watching this new trailer for the “film,” it’s no wonder why all three actors quickly dropped out of the project and were replaced by Sean Hayes, Will Sasso, and Chris Diamantopoulos.

The first official trailer for The Three Stooges makes Adam Sandler’s latest Jack and Jill look somewhat funny. The new Stooges looks on par with the worst movies in recent years like Superhero Movie and Disaster Movie and looks so bad that I’d suggest not even watching this trailer if you’re a fan of the original. Just when you think it can’t get any worse, the girls from MTV’s The Jersey Shore show up and sadly Snooki still isn’t even the worst part of the trailer. The iconic Stooges must be rolling over in their graves right now because not even Kate Upton in a slutty nun bathing suit could save this god-awful Hollywood remake.