
The Croods (2013)Extras During and After the Credits

Movie Details

In Theaters: March 22, 2013
On Video: October 1, 2013
Genre(s): Adventure, Animation, Family
Production Co.: DreamWorks Animation
Distributor(s): 20th Century Fox
MPAA Rating: PG
Website(s): Official Site, Facebook
Our Review: N/A
Running Time: 99 minutes
Credits Running Time: 9 minutes

During the Credits

During the credits of The Croods, crude caveman-illustrated drawings of characters and scenes from the movie are shown. They’re included throughout the first couple of minutes, but during the rest of the credits they appear more sporadically.

After the Credits

After the credits of The Croods, a trio of elephant mice from earlier in the film appears onscreen and trumpets a little ditty that lasts less than ten seconds.

Song During the Credits

“Shine Your Way” by Owl City and Yuna

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