
Sunset Overdrive E3 2014 Trailer

New Gameplay from Microsoft's Media Briefing

June 9, 2014 by

Taking shots at the modern shooter genre and the current state of gaming, Insomniac Games revealed an absolutely crazy look at the gameplay of Sunset Overdrive today at Microsoft’s E3 2014 Media Briefing.

Insomniac, known for making amazing games with massive arsenals of unique weapons like Ratchet & Clank and Resistance, is behind the Xbox One exclusive that is set for release October 28, 2014.

With everything that happens in the wild trailer, trying to report on just half of what takes place while the main character skates around the city wiping out enemies and chains together sweet combos might be more difficult than playing the game or demo itself. So just check out the latest trailer, and enjoy the beautiful brain-melting action that looks likes Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater with guns and monsters set in the Pixar universe.

Sunset Overdrive looks to be trying to completely break the mold of the typical cover-based shooter, and it’s nice seeing Insomniac trying to bring the FUN back to video games.