
Premium Rush (2012)Extra Scene During the Credits

Movie Details

In Theaters: August 24, 2012
On Video: December 21, 2012
Director(s): David Koepp
Production Co.: Pariah
Distributor(s): Columbia Pictures
MPAA Rating: PG-13
Website(s): Official Site
Our Review: N/A
Running Time: 91 minutes
Credits Running Time: 7 minutes

During the Credits

About one minute into the credits of Premium Rush, there is cell phone footage of the aftermath of Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s accident and injury on set. First, Joe’s bike is shown on the ground behind a cab, which has its rear windshield shattered from where he crashed and ended up. Gordon-Levitt then appears, showing blood dripping down his forearm from his wrist and hand. He says, “This is cool. I mean, kids, don’t try this at home or nothing, but, like…” The recorder cuts him off and says, “Seriously, let’s get you to the hospital.” The extra scene lasts about ten seconds, and the rest of the credits have no extras.

After the Credits

Pariah’s title credit is shown, but there is no stinger after the credits of Premium Rush.

Song During the Credits

Baba O'Riley - The Who: Greatest Hits “Baba O’Riley” by The Who

Stinger information added and verified by and
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