
New Feature: Top 100

We List the Best Rated Movie and Video Game Stingers

April 23, 2011 by

With the summer blockbuster season right around the corner, we’re getting ready by releasing our newest feature on the site, the Top 100 User Rated Stingers. Our Top 100 list is compiled from all the movies and video games in our database. Rankings are generated in real-time and are based on votes from our users.

Voting for extras during and/or after the credits being worth waiting around for (Thumbs Up) adds 1 point, while voting that the credits are not worth sticking around for (Thumbs Down) removes 1 point. Rankings are in order of movies and games with the highest value after taking the number of thumbs up votes and subtracting the number of thumbs down votes.

Check out the brand new Top 100 User Rated Stingers page (here) or view the top 100 list below. Don’t see your favorites on the list? Make sure to check out our full movie and video game databases, and vote on your favorites to help them rank up!

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