
Deadpool Shows Up After the Credits of Japan’s X-Men: Apocalypse Trailer

Why? Because "Not everyone makes it to the end of Fox movies."

June 26, 2016 by

Both fans and critics didn’t have a lot of love for 20th Century Fox’s latest 2 1/2 hour X-Men: Apocalypse and its quick post-credits scene that tried to get them to stick around even longer… so in attempt to help the movie’s upcoming release in Japan, a new Japanese trailer has emerged on YouTube with Fox’s red hot anti-hero, Deadpool.

Why does a trailer for X-Men have an after credits scene with a superhero who doesn’t even show up in the film or after the credits? Well, Wade Wilson is here to let you know, along with running down the top 5 things you might have missed in the trailer and of course a little shameless self-promotion of his own film’s release in Japan.

#1) This movie is set in the ’80s and apparently Apocalypse kicks Professor X’s ass for forgetting to wake him up before he Go-Go.

#2) Major plot twist: When Quicksilver discloses to Mystique that Magneto is his father AND he’s a fan of Canadian supergroup Rush. So many plot twists.

#3) Fun fact, Psylocke is a hot looking girl using a super-powered Katana. I’m a horrible looking man using a Katana. Twinsies.

#4) Looks like they introducing a Japanese mutant with Ginsu knives coming out of his hands. Let’s see how that goes.

#5) This wasn’t really in the trailer. But important for you to know. The new addition to the super dysfunctional X-men family, me, Deadpool, comes out in Japan on June 1. I’ve definitely never felt power like this before. So be there June 1. Ding”